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Drum Method Books
Photo Gallery
About the Drum Set
About Mark Agostinelli


Beats will also be taught to my students  This is a list of only a few below:

The Beats are:

1.       Rock

2.       Polka

3.       50th Rock I

4.       Twist

5.       Disco I

6.       Waltz

7.       Lindy

8.       Disco II

9.       Cha Cha

10.   Marangae

11.   Shuffle

12.   Disco III

13.   50th Rock II

14.   Disco IV

15.   Rhumba

16.   Foxtrot

17.   Funk Beat

18.   Bolero

19.   Soc. Fox Trot

20.   Mambo

21.   Slow Rock

22.   Tango

23.   Samba

24.   Jazz Waltz

25.   Fast Rock

26.   Polka 4/4

27.   Rock Rhumba

28.   Bossa nova

29.   Rock Shuffle


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This site was last updated 09/13/08